In what ways probiotics intake will benefit a kids health?

Our gut health would be superb and this would be due to the probiotics or live beneficial bacteria. Our intestinal microbiome would be balanced. Information is that these bacteria are present in fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, certain cheeses etc. It is known that fermentation is a process in which natural bacteria would feed on the sugars and starches present in food. It is good to add probiotics to kids` diets as they would increase immunity, aid digestion etc.

There are many benefits of adding probiotics to a kid`s diet. These are

Improves digestive health:

There would be a healthy balance of gut bacteria and this would be due to probiotics. This would help in better digestion and nutrient absorption etc. There would be breakdown of foods and digestive issues like constipation, bloating etc would be avoided.

Boosts immunity:

Immunity in the kids would get boosted by adding probiotics to their diet. The kids would become less prone to infections, diseases etc. Duration and severity of some common illnesses would get reduced.

Prevents and treats diarrhoea:

Antibiotics induced diarrhoea would be controlled by adding probiotics to the kid`s diet. It must be noted that the probiotics intake would restore gut flora. It is known that certain medications would disrupt the gut flora in us. The recovery would be faster in the kids and dehydration would be avoided in kids suffering from diarrhoea.

Lowers risk of allergy and eczema:

By regulating the hormone response in the kids, probiotics would lower the risk of allergy, eczema in the kids. Inflammation would get lowered. Over reaction of the immune system would be avoided.

Increases nutrient absorption:

Essential nutrients like calcium, iron, B vitamins etc (that are necessary for growth and development of kids) would get absorbed in the kids by intake of probiotics. Full benefit of the diet would be there for the kids.

Good for brain regulation and mood:

There exists a close relation between gut health and the brain. Adding probiotics to a kid`s diet would positively increase mood, cognitive function and behaviour etc. Intake of probiotics by the kids would boost their mood, and anxiety would be reduced. This is possible by the production of neurotranansmitters like serotonin etc.

Lowers childhood obesity:

There are chances of weight increase in the kids due to imbalance in the gut bacteria. Adding probiotics to a kid`s diet would control appetite, improve metabolism and unhealthy food cravings etc. The kid would have a healthy weight.

Helps in digestion of lactose:

Regarding digesting lactose, many kids have issues. This would lead to issues like bloating, cramps etc. Truth is that many probiotic strains like lactobacillus would break down lactose. By this, the dairy products would become easier to digest and discomfort would be lowered in lactose intolerant kids.

Good for skin health:

The kids would have good skin health by the intake of probiotics. This would be possible by reducing inflammation and balancing the gut bacteria. By this, issues skin based like acne, skin rashes etc would be avoided in the kids.

Helps in healthy sleep cycle:

The stress hormones and neurotransmitters could get regulated by a well balanced gut microbiome. This would help the kids to get sound sleep. By this, their overall growth, concentration etc would become better.

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